A step up the Adtech ladder: Unblockia and Magnum Capital

We are very thrilled to announce that Magnum Capital has acquired Adpone and Unblockia. Both teams will work on making our combined vision a reality, to become the leader in the Adtech sector at an international level.

This is an exciting time and one we have been working on for the past years. Making this a reality, together with Sunmedia, we now form a group with operations in more than 60 countries, and offer the latest technological solutions for publishers and advertisers, with sales of more than 85 million.

We continue our commitment to offering high-quality solutions and top-of-the-line results, while we keep innovating new ways of delivering ads in the most beneficial manner for our clients. 2023 awaits great growth, with new offices in different countries, the release of new solutions, and an unprecedented expansion toward the international market.

It’s an exciting time to reinvent and implement the future of programmatic advertising. We’ve made it our key objective through our journey, to shine a light on what our publishers should be benefiting from, while never forgetting our integrity and professionalism in the process.

We want to deeply thank our entire team that has accompanied us since the very beginning, and our clients and partners for their trust and loyalty over the past years.

Differences between Display ads and Native ads

Advertisement is essential for dominating the market. The preferable ways to advertise are traditional and digital. In the age of Netflix and pop tarts, which is highly driven by tech, digital advertising is what dominates. And for digital, things depend heavily on display and native ads.

But what if the stakes are high? You can only select one and bail out on the other.

Well, in that case, you need to clash Display Ad vs. Native Ad, for real! You need to know the differences before using any of them. And this post is all about that. 

So, without any further ado, let’s dive right in!

What Are Display Ads?

Even though you haven’t noticed display ads before, you’ve seen them. They’re just like traditional marketing billboards but much evolved. 

Most online publishers have spaces to show display ads. You can find them at the top of the website, in the sidebar, or sometimes in the middle of the content. They combine text, media (image and video), and a URL link to the advertiser’s website. 

They seem like a banner – colorful, rich-in text, and engaging. Something that’s easily identified. 

display ads

Display advertising has been popular since the Internet’s inception. And it still has strong dominance over digital marketers. Using these, marketers can easily reach a wider audience and reinforce brand awareness.

They’re inexpensive, measurable, and can be designed. Thus, giving the advertisers most of the biggies. 

Forms/Examples of Display Ads

Display ads can be static (you only see a single message in a single way) or dynamic: mostly animated with images and video coming and going. Some even include CTA to improve interaction.

Based on the above, the popular examples of display ads are,

  • Personalized ads
  • Context-specific ads
  • Retargeting ads
  • Site-placed ads

Benefits of Display Advertising

With display ads, you can expect the following advantages, 

  • Better brand recognition. 
  • Express your point quickly.
  • Create and place ads easily.
  • Reach customers at every stage of the funnel.
  • And great value for your money.

Common Display Ads Sizes

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has set the following display ad banner sizes

  • 300 x 250 px for Medium rectangle display ad.
  • 728 x 90 px for Leaderboard ad.
  • 160 x 600 px for Wide skyscrapers.
  •  300 x 600 px for Large rectangle.
  • And 320 x 50 – 640 x 100 pixels @2X (required) for Mobile leaderboard.

What are Native Ads?

Compared to display ads, native ads are new, and where they are showcased, they mix with the platform’s design scheme on fleek. For instance, Google and Bings ads resemble traits of search results. Instagram ads look like Instagram posts. The same is true with Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, and TikTok.

display ads

And you can only identify them from the “Ad” or “Sponsored Post” text. 

native ads

Even online publishers display native ads as they are part of the content, like post suggestions. Unlike display ads, native ads don’t stand out but try to grab users’ attention softly.  

With these, you can expect a click-through rate of up to 0.38% for mobile and 0.1% for Desktop, which isn’t bad at all.

Display Ads vs. Native Ads – the 5 Key Differences

For a quick showdown between display ads vs. native ads, you can refer to the following points, 

Display Ads Native Ads 
Ads differ from the website’s design scheme, like an oreo cookie.Ads blend with the website’s default look and feel.
Ads are considered banners.Users consider them as pieces of content on the platform.
They could be Static or Dynamic, including images, text, video, and CTA. Static ads with text and images. 
Average CTR 3.17% (Google Ads)Average CTR 1.11% 
Cost Per Click: InexpensiveCost Per Click: More Expensive

Gen Z and advertising: It’s not that complicated!

The Gen Z generation has become a highly attractive target for publishers around the globe as they form a large part of the world population and will eventually become the generation with the most disposable income. But still, catching the attention of this group of people might represent a bit of a challenge for some publishers as this younger generation consumes content differently. As a result, traditional tactics to develop a connection with them won’t work. 

The good news is: You do not have to be from Gen Z to understand how to reach and connect to this audience. Below we´ve broken down some key points to help you use the right approach.

But first, let´s get to know more about this younger generation.

Who is Gen Z?

Born between 1996 and 2010, they are creative, bold, tech-savvy, and socially minded. These digital natives want to feel an authentic connection with businesses they like and follow. In fact, one of the main characteristics of this generation is their concern about the world and their desire to make it a better place. That’s why they are more likely to connect with content that keeps it real, establishes clear values, and is inclusive.

Now let’s dive into some key points that will help you reach them:

  • #1 Keep your content relevant: They are used to spending lots of hours in front of a screen, therefore they will ignore any irrelevant ad or message that doesn’t resonate with them. What content resonates with Gen Z? They crave content that is honest, conscious, original, entertaining, community-focused, and relevant to their everyday lives.
  • #2 Review your content values: As we mentioned earlier, this generation has high expectations when it comes to businesses taking stances on social issues. This is a chance for publishers to review their own brand stories and how their values show up: Is their content accessible for everyone? How can their brand better align with the values they uphold? Some of the values Gen Z looks for are sustainability, diversity, inclusivity, eco-friendliness, transparency, accountability, and work-life balance. 
  • #3 Put social media at the center of your content: Social Media is an essential part of their lives. They use it to get entertainment, find inspiration, and make their voices heard. Members of Gen Z are fans of TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. Take for example “ The Washington Post”. It has invested in storytelling to deliver news in a unique way and reach the future generation. As a result, it has organically grown to over 1,4 million TikTok fans and 6,1 million Instagram followers.
  • #4 Bet on short videos: 40% of Gen Z users prefer Reels, Stories, or TikTok videos when seeing ads on social media. Keep in mind that Gen Z has a short attention span, so using short videos is the best way to grab their interests.
  • #5 Use native formats: 35% of Gen Z say they dislike most advertising, but they are OK with native ads and sponsored content, and 34% say they make frequent purchases based on advertising content that engage them.
  • #6 Tell your stories on audio: News publishers like CNN, have embraced audio as a new way to reach their audience on the go. Some have created podcasts centered on subjects relevant to Gen Z listeners, such as climate change, social justice, and fact-based reporting.
  • #7 Make them laugh: Publishers shouldn’t take themselves too seriously when it comes to attracting this generation. Bear in mind that the whole point of Gen Z culture is that comedy comes easily; trying too hard is embarrassing. Find an authentic comical voice and communication style that is engaging.

Gen-Z is a generation that keeps up with the latest technology and trends. Adapting your business to build a valuable relationship with them means taking the time to learn and understand their preferences. But once the approach is done correctly Gen Zers will reward your business for the invested time and money.  

Ready to take your Gen Z marketing strategy to the next level? Did you know that 65% of this generation use an adblocker and consequently, it reduces your website revenue? Use our free AdBlock traffic calculator to find out how much money you are leaving on the table.

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